Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is It Time?

I've been debating whether to make a comeback to blogging. I'm not sure exactly what I'd blog about, but I'd want to make sure that the posts aren't forced or contrived.

I'm also thinking about whether to create a "members-only" blog.

The thoughts are swimming...

Any suggestions?


Jules said...

Do members only, but then damn well invite me, alright, C-Baby!!! I effing miss you like crazy. Are we understood?

BTW, I couldn't click on the read more portion of this... so if what I've just said was inappropriate, I blame blogger solely. ;O)

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Do what feels right C.

I'd love for you to come back. I'm only blogging as and when I feel the urge/need.

Do it for youself if you do.

Me personally I didn't like the member only function.. I felt it was suffocating and killed my desire to blog.

Unknown said...

ok, i'm a bit late on the comments. you should return to blogging. you write well, you have significant things to say and you express them with clarity. if you do choose to go members only, please include me.